Paleo Fitness Cover Photo

Paleo Fitness

By Darryl Edwards, Brett Stewart, Jason Warner

Lose weight, strengthen muscles and get healthy with exercises evolved from natural human movements


The paleo diet is a hugely popular trend, but to benefit from the healthy, fit hunter-gatherer lifestyle, it’s necessary not only to eat like an early human but to exercise like one as well. Paleo Fitness offers a program of back-to-the-Stone-Age exercises with plyometric and specially designed weight workouts that fight disease, burn fat and increase energy. Not only does it contain strength and endurance exercises that would have been an everyday part of an early human’s life—like sprinting up steep hills and lifting heavy stones—but it also has gym-based versions of all its workout routines so you can challenge yourself no matter where you live.

Paleo Fitness
also features assessment trials so you can test your personal fitness and a training log to enhance your motivation, as well as vital details on healthy Paleolithic foods that maximize energy levels for the intense workout routines. By following this challenging and efficient program, you’ll be ready to battle mammoths in no time.

Brett Stewart

Brett Stewart

Brett Stewart is a personal trainer and author of fitness books like Ultimate Obstacle Race Training, Functional Cross Training and 7 Weeks to 50 Pull-Ups. He lives in Phoenix, Arizona.

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Released: March 2013
Price: $15.95

ISBN-10: 1612431658
ISBN-13: 9781612431659

Trade Paper
7.5" x 9.25"
144 pages


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