Impostor Syndrome Book

Own Your Greatness

By Lisa Orbé-Austin, Richard Orbé-Austin

Stop letting impostor syndrome hold you back! This guided workbook of interactive exercises and research-backed activities will help you conquer self-doubt, realize your true worth, and enjoy your success.


How many times have you thought that everyone is crushing it except you? How often have you looked at one of your accomplishments and attributed it to luck or the help of others? It can be difficult to acknowledge our own successes and skills, and overcome the feeling of being an impostor. But moving past that feeling is crucial to continuing down the path to even greater success and happiness.


Own Your Greatness will give you all the tools you need to recognize and overcome the impostor syndrome that is holding you back. Packed full of research- and therapy-backed exercises, prompts, and activities, this interactive workbook will help you:


  • Identify the root causes of your impostor syndrome
  • Recognize your natural skills and strengths
  • Gain the confidence to lead
  • Speak up for yourself
  • Feel comfortable receiving and giving praise


With this book, you’ll acknowledge the skills you bring to the table, understand that you truly deserve your success, and take steps to a successful, happy, and fulfilled life.


Learn more about Own Your Greatness in FORBES!


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Lisa Orbé-Austin

Dr. Lisa Orbé-Austin is a licensed psychologist, executive coach, and organizational consultant. Her views about career management and advancement are regularly sought by the media, and she has appeared in various outlets, such as the New York TimesForbes, NBC News, Refinery29, and Insight Into Diversity. Dr. Orbé-Austin received her bachelor’s degree in English from Boston College, her master’s degree in counseling psychology from Boston College, and her PhD in counseling psychology from Columbia University.

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Richard Orbe-Austin

Richard Orbé-Austin

Dr. Richard Orbé-Austin is a psychologist and a partner of Dynamic Transitions Psychological Consulting, LLP, a career and executive coaching consultancy in New York City. Dr. Orbé-Austin has worked in the field of career and executive coaching for over 15 years, and was the founding director of NYU’s Graduate Student Career Development Center. In this capacity, he developed the strategic vision and led a team responsible for managing the career needs of over 14,000 graduate students in over 100 different disciplines. Prior to his tenure at NYU, Dr. Orbé-Austin served in a variety of leadership roles, including as the chief diversity officer at Baruch College-City University of New York and as president of the NY Association of Black Psychologists.

In his practice, Dr. Orbé-Austin works with executives and early- to mid-career professionals to identify their best-fit career options, advance their career goals, and strengthen their leadership skills in order to increase their career satisfaction and success. He also regularly consults to organizations on issues related to leadership, diversity, equity and inclusion, career development and transitions, communication, and conflict. Dr. Orbé-Austin’s opinions and writings have appeared in a variety of publications, including Forbes, Fast Company, Diversity Executive, and ThriveGlobal. He earned his PhD in counseling psychology from Fordham University’s Graduate School of Education and his BA in psychology from NYU.

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Released: April 2020
Price: $15.95

ISBN-10: 1646040244
ISBN-13: 9781646040247

7.5" x 9.25"
184 pages

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