Homemade Smoothies for Mother and Baby

Homemade Smoothies for Mother and Baby

By Kristine Miles

Discover super-delicious and ultra-nutritions smoothie recipes that are the perfect food for mom and her little one


Mothers have one primary concern: ensuring that their children get proper nutrition. With 300 recipes designed to address the dietary needs for each stage of pregnancy and babyhood, Homemade Smoothies for Mother and Baby is the perfect way to guarantee the health and happiness of moms, expectant mothers, and their growing babies.


Packing a bounty of vitamins, minerals, and other vital nutrients into a tasty, on-the-go breakfast or lunch, each satisfying smoothie in this comprehensive guide is formulated for specific phases of pregnancy and motherhood. Recipes for women trying to conceive target prenatal health and fertility issues, while other concoctions aim to ease morning sickness and nausea when pregnant ladies and optimize breast milk production when nursing. Special blends for older babies help the transition to solid foods, while the book’s toddler-friendly smoothies will satisfy picky eaters and help establish good dietary habits for life.


With information on food allergies and intolerances, tips for eating seasonally and sustainably, and a comprehensive list of resources, Homemade Smoothies for Mother and Baby is an indispensable reference for moms looking to nurture themselves and their little ones at the same time.

Kristine Miles

Kristine Miles

Kristine Miles is the author of the best-selling book The Green Smoothie Bible, and a physiotherapist of 19 years standing with a special interest nutrition. She is passionate about life-long learning, eating, cooking, and living a low toxic lifestyle. Kristine works in private practice and lives by the stunning surf coast of Phillip Island, Australia with her husband and daughter.


Her website www.kristinemiles.com is a hub for healthy food and smoothie recipes (including Thermomix recipe conversions), smoothie making tips, and natural parenting practice and philosophy. You can sign up for her newsletter and access special offers including product discount codes, and you can also follow Kristine on Facebook (KristineMilesAuthor) and Instagram (kristine_miles).

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Released: July 2015
Price: $14.95

ISBN-10: 1612434770
ISBN-13: 9781612434773

5.5" x 8.5"
240 pages

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Green Smoothie Bible

250 fruit and vegetable drinks for losing weight, detoxing, maximizing energy and staying healthy Everyone knows a daily diet rich in fruits and vegetables can prevent obesity, diabetes, heart disease, and even some types of cancer. But most people don't eat anywhere near the recommended amount of these foods. The inviting recipes in The

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